Monday, December 9, 2024

Carpenter Nature Center

Today I drove north to the Carpenter Nature Center. I have been there once before with the MN Master Naturalists. I worked at a table inside the picnic shelter. They had a raptor release that day. That is when I learned that Wisconsin has a Master Naturalist program too with only one biome. I believe it was a lot cheaper to join than the MN program.

I went inside the visitor center where I found no staff. They had turtles and lizards and spiders inside. Bird feeders were everywhere. Then I walked the Savannah trail. After lunch in my car I walked down the ravine. I thought there would be water down here but I don't see any.

I walked the Savannah trail again.

This is Kevin the raven. He's new so they don't want us to get too close. He kept talking as I walked along.

After I saw Kevin I saw this red tailed hawk fly up into this tree. They do bird banding here too. I would like to help with that some time.This nature center has a campus in Wisconsin near Hudson. Some day I will go there.


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