Saturday, June 8, 2024

Carrie Soto Is Back

 I don't usually read books about sports but I did enjoy Carrie Soto Is Back by Taylor Jenkins Reid. The story is about a fictional female professional tennis player. Carrie is the daughter of Javier, a famous tennis coach from Venezuela.  As a child she shows talent. She has a competitive edge and a tendency to be brutally honest with others. She ends up dropping out of high school so she can travel on the tennis circuit. She is very successful and for a time in her 20's she is the top rated tennis player in the world. At age 39 she has a bad knee so she retires. At age 37 another female tennis player breaks her award winning record. Carrie decides to come out of retirement. I won't spoil the ending by telling you how she does. I found it interesting to learn about all the hours of exercise and hard work that are a part of professional tennis.

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