Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Snowy Owl in My City!

Color me frustrated!  I heard rumors about a snowy owl hanging out in my city near Armstrong and Bunker Lake Boulevard.  On Monday night I went to look for it as soon as I could which was about 5:15 p.m.  The sun was setting.  I looked at the tops of all the towers and poles in the area but did not see it.  I emailed a friend of mine who works at city hall.  He responds that he saw the snowy owl near some apartments on Sunwood Boulevard at 7:24 a.m. and that it was a beautiful creature.  He said the area was a poor spot for the owl to look for mice.  I asked if he would go to the pet store, buy some mice and feed the owl one a day so that it would stay in the vicinity until I am free to find it (not until Saturday). He didn't respond to that email.  But I think if a dozen mice were delivered to his office he'd know who they were from.  At 1 p.m. another birder saw the snowy owl on the cellular tower near Armstrong and Bunker.  He watched it for an hour and posted beautiful photos of this magnificent bird.  Other birders saw one across Highway 10 so there may be TWO SNOWY OWLS in my city.  Curses!  My schedule keeps me hopping from dawn until after dusk.  I'm glad to have a job but I want to see this SNOWY OWL!  Maybe I should call in.  "I am going to be in late today.  I'm feeling owly."  Or I could just say it straight out, "I'm going to be late today because I'm taking time off to see a snowy owl for the first time in my life."   I'm sure they'd understand.  I thought about leaving early today but I didn't have my binoculars with me or my camera.  I think I'll put those in the car right now so they will be there when I need them  I'll be so happy if I can see a snowy owl.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...