Friday, January 24, 2014

I Might Go Duck Hunting

It all started with a comment in the break room to a coworker reading the newspaper.  "Any good news in there today?" I asked, just to be social.  Turns out there was good news in the paper.  A man he knew was featured in an article about falconry.  This guy he knows takes his falcon out hunting in the winter in a creek where the water remains open near Northtown shopping center.  I ask a few questions.  He asks if I'd be interested in tagging along when this falconer takes his falcon duck hunting.  WOULD I?  YES I WOULD BE VERY INTERESTED.  He's going to hook me up.  He says sometimes it is not easy walking.  Sometimes the falconer has to walk into the stream because that is where the falcon and the duck end up.  I still want to go.  I want to see a falcon go duck hunting.  This is the sport of kings.  Falconry has been around longer than hunting with guns.  I definitely want to go.  I would hope the dead duck turns out to be a mallard and not a hooded merganser or a common golden eye.  If I get to go, I will definitely blog about it. This could be a very adventurous bird watching expedition.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...