Saturday, January 25, 2014

Choose Your Poison - Shiver or Shovel

I'm not the only one complaining about winter this year.  I don't think it's very healthy to complain about something over which we have no control. But seriously, it's been either shovel or shiver.  If the temps aren't miserably cold, it snows.  Back in early December it snowed pretty hard and I decided it wouldn't last so I didn't shovel my driveway completely - only a little more than what I absolutely needed to get by.  And that snow has stayed and more piled on top of it.  So I'm stuck with what I thought would be a temporary decision. The banks are so high by the road that it's getting hard to lift the shovel that high.  I have another high bank by the edge of the house that is getting too high to throw any more snow on top of it.  I have to wear snow pants to fill the bird feeders and to empty the compost because the snow is so deep.  My little windmill is squeaking very loudly in these cold wintry winds and it's going to continue to squeak unless I strap on show shoes to get out there and oil it because it's way on the other side of the yard where no paths have been formed.  It's amazing that our bodies can take a 90 degree difference in temperature day in and day out without more serious consequences than dry skin and a bad attitude toward winter.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...