Saturday, January 18, 2014

What I Got At The Grocery Store

This morning I went shopping after my work out to pick up a few things.  I got some suet for the birds, some fruit, some vegetables, some yogurt, some dark chocolate and the vaccination against shingles.  That's right, I got the shingles shot.  And of all those items, only the shingles shot was free (although I'm sure my insurance paid for it).  Now I will be 80% more likely never to get shingles again.  And if I do get shingles again, it will be less painful and I'll be ill for a shorter time.  The icing on the cake is that I probably won't get that shingles side effect of postherpetic neuralgia (also known as shingles extended release) where the nerve pain lingers on and on and on.   I've never been lucky in the chicken pox/shingles area.  I had the chicken pox twice.  The second time I got chicken pox I was 20 years old and I don't think I have yet forgiven the neighbors who let their 3 boys run around the neighborhood with open chicken pox sores.  And I got shingles about 7 years ago when I was under a lot of stress because Offspring #1 was serving our country in Iraq.  So I'm feeling pretty good because I followed through on a decision to protect my health and because I didn't have to pay out of pocket for this vaccine.  Some days it pays to be old!


Dianne said...

Good decision but one I have not made yet. I have heard Don mention he needs to get one. That is so unusual for me to hear because he *won't* get a flu shot! I have to work up the nerve for them each year. My mom said I had shingles as a baby. Guess they can come out again and again and I know they are very painful. I will have to work on working up the nerve to get one!

Sue said...

What is holding you back? Shingles is terrible! No one could possibly want it.

The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...