Thursday, March 2, 2023


 This morning I was up before dawn. I puttered around the hotel room and then I thought I should get fresh air before the rains began. I drove to the dam on Riverside Drive here in Tulsa. Forsythia is in bloom. I walked toward the dam and watched the machinery pick up boulders and set them down. Dump trucks were unloading rocks. Even though this was a noisy place I could hear the Carolina warbler and the Northern Cardinals singing. A blue jay went by. I saw 2 great blue herons, a tern, a gull, and dozens of Mallard ducks. I talked to two guys and asked what is happening. I figured they were installing a path for migrating fish to get over the dam. Turns out that is on the other side of the drought stricken river. This side is for kayaks and white water rafters. The Arkansas River is very low. That should change tonight. We have flood warnings this evening. I spent a couple of hours exploring the river bank. I was going to go to the library but decided against it. Once the rain started I drove over to Trader Joe's for my favorite half salted roasted almonds. Once my date was confirmed for tonight I drove back to the sketchy hotel to get packed up for tomorrow's ride to Topeka. I cannot wait to see my dates tonight at the Flame Broiler-Korean Inspired, Charbroiled to Perfection. I haven't had kim-chi for several months now.

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Book Of The Little Axe

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