Wednesday, November 7, 2012

How Florida and Minnesota Differ

1. People in Florida use the word "Y'all."  My first meal in Florida was a place called Southern Buffet.  It was very similar to Old Country Buffet except we could have grits, okra and black eyed peas.  I had all three.  Our waitress used y'all in every single sentence she said to us.  I had to struggle not to giggle.  2. People in Florida have sand in their cars.  Where we in Minnesota have to vacuum out the grit and the slush and the leaves, I saw tidy piles of fine white sand collected in the seat corners and floor mats. 3. Florida political ads include judges.  I saw an ad for a supreme court judge in Alabama who asked voters to vote for him because he fought against the ACLU and fought to keep the church in (here is where I let out an expletive and I missed where he was trying to keep the church in).  Aren't judges supposed to be impartial and make their decisions based on law?  I never know much about the judges on my ballot.  Even if I look them up I don't learn much more than if they're married and have children.  4.  Florida drivers don't signal their turns.  I guess there is no need to put their blinkers on because it's none of our business if they're turning right or left.  5. Florida has Amber alerts and Silver alerts.  We saw a sign about a silver alert on a highway that included a description of the car and the number of the South Carolina plates.  I had never heard of silver alerts.  I joked it must be a senior citizen on the loose.  Turns out I was mostly right.  Silver alerts are for adults with cognition or memory issues.  6.  Trees are allowed to grow closer to the highways in Florida.  There is no need to keep the road sides open to store the snow.  Florida is the farthest state south and east of Minnesota and it's a very nice place.  I could easily spend a winter or two there.  I hope to have that chance someday.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...