Thursday, November 29, 2012

Party Food

I had a great time at the holiday party I went to last night.  The people were friendly and the conversation was lively.  What did we talk about?  The topics included the arms plant in Ramsey County, buckthorn, reptiles, bears taking purple pillows from campsites, politics, mushrooms, the North Star train, parks, city councils, Boy Scout Eagle projects, sporination, dragonflies, the Cuban missile crisis, LBJ, JFK, atomic bomb drills where we crouched under our desks at school, astronomy, Nikita Kruschev's offspring living in Coon Rapids,  and following the rules.  The food was awesome.  Our hosts served chipotle style.  They served lettuce, lime rice, corn, sauteed peppers, spicy chicken, black beans, pinto beans, beef, sour cream, guacamole and cheese.  Some of those items were brought by guests but most were supplied by the hosts.  It was delicious.  I tried two desserts.  In my life long quest to achieve a healthy body mass index, I am pretty picky on my desserts.  I'm not going to waste my calorie intake on a oreo cookie or a brownie made out of a box mix.  After listening to a partial list of the ingredients I chose to try the macadamia fudge torte.  I didn't know I was supposed to put caramel sauce on top.  I suppose that would make it even better.  I knew it was a Pillsbury bake-off prize winner.  Oh, heaven on earth, it was sooooo good.  You can find the recipe here:
I definitely will make this recipe.  I also tried a brownie that the baker said included an ingredient grown in his garden.  He meant jalapenos.  I took one bite.  Hello!  How strange to have chocolate and spicy jalapeno in the same bite.  The second bite was also "Hello!"  The third bite was not as spicy.  He added the jalapenos after they were dried and ground.  I liked the taste.  Good company, delicious food,  I had a great time at the party.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...