Thursday, November 1, 2012

Walking the Beach

 The beaches in Pensacola are white and the sand is very fine almost like silica.  Where the water touches the sand it feels like I'm walking in brown sugar.    Every step is hard going but I really enjoying walking in the water and letting the sand rub the calluses off my feet. The great blue herons are tamer down here and allow us to come really close.  The herons are most interested in the anglers.  We saw one heron kick at an angler's backpack.  Seconds later we saw him moving something around in it's beak and take a big swallow.  I am not sure if he got a piece of bait or a peanut butter sandwich out of that backpack.  I like to plan  my steps on the beach so that the sand I walk on is more solid from the waves but not deep enough to get my clothes wet.  As the waves come in I must change my course accordingly.  It's mindless fun.  Snowy plovers and other shore birds do the same thing and they also let me get really close.  One couple sat on beach towels with a flock of 30 gulls hovering above them.  The couple was throwing crackers at the gulls which must have been fun but not worth the risk of getting soiled for me.  I really wanted to see the sunset on the water.   With the clouds bracketing the sun and reflecting warm colors, it was a beautiful sight. : )  I will try to keep this moment in my mind to bring me comfort during the cold, dark winter nights.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...