Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Section 13

Today I hiked north bound from the trail head on Little Marais road. I planned to walk 4.4 miles to Park Hill road so that when I did the rest of the section from the north I would have less to do.

Across the wide valley of the Saw Mill Creek I can see the bald knob of rock known as Saw Mill Dome. 

I don't know why this section is section 13. The other sections haven't been numbered. No one was at this campsite today at 11 a.m. but it is supposed to be a popular spot for people who do rock climbing around here.

I descended the hill from Section 13 to the valley floor. Some of the board walks here are a little sketchy. One section, over a small stream, was broken in the middle. I assume it broke with someone on it. I hope they weren't hurt. I look forward to walking across a 300 foot boardwalk over a bog because it is reportedly prime moose habitat.

Here is the beginning of the bog. After this I will hike only 1.4 miles more and then turn around.

I don't see any moose yet.

Um, this boardwalk is broken.

Am I supposed to balance on that birch? There is no way to get across here without getting my feet wet. And the board walk is so tilted to the left I don't feel safe to sit down and remove my shoes. I guess I will turn around here. Today I added only 3 miles making my new total on the Superior Hiking Trail 146.8. I have 185.3 left to go.


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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...