Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Yard Work

I have been helping Offspring #2 with a few outdoor projects. This involved digging out sod, moving sod, removing 5 inches of soil, leveling the ground, pouring paver base gravel, leveling the gravel, adding sand, leveling sand, installing pavers and sweeping paver locking sand between the pavers. The new patio looks great and is very level. We also installed a gutter hose across the long length of her house to a rain garden. And we installed a fire pit. All this lifting and shoveling and moving and bending is good for me. The pavers were heavy but I brought along my trusty two wheel dolly. That handy dolly got more use in these couple weeks than it did in the dozen or so years that I have owned it. Today we went back to the hardware store to buy $300 worth of cedar to make raised garden beds. Do you ever look at people leaving a hardware store with armloads of supplies and feel bad for all the work they have ahead of them?

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