Sunday, May 23, 2021

Disappearing Moon Cafe

 In this historical fiction novel, Disappearing Moon Café, Sky Lee writes about five generations of Chinese Canadians living in Vancouver, British Columbia. The original immigrant was hired by an organization in China to return the bones of Chinese railroad workers who died on the job. He looks for graves sites and collects the bones so they can be transported back to China as is the custom in their faith. He marries a First Nation girl who was brought up by her Chinese step-father. Their son works at the Disappearing Moon Café in Vancouver. From there the story continues highlighting the struggles for Chinese Canadian men and women within their own families and with the community. Some of these families keep some dark secrets and the results would not have been as terrible if the secrets were made public. Some of the parents were unbelievably controlling in regard to their child's choice of a spouse and whether the new couple had offspring. I thought this was an interesting story but it was hard to keep track of the characters as the novel jumped back and forth in time.

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