Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Solutions And Other Problems

 Years ago I read Hyperbole And A Half by Allie Brosh. I also followed her blog by the same name. She is a graphic artist who does her drawings with the Paint program. She is extremely funny so I borrowed her newest book, Solutions And Other Problems as soon as I saw it was available. This book is part humor and part memoir. The author dealt with some pretty tough issues after her first book was released. She quit her blog and fell silent for many years. Her sister completed suicide, she got divorced, and she also had a health scare. Life isn't always fun. With her graphic art she takes everyday moments and makes them relatable and poignant. She also writes about her childhood and, for instance, that time she duct taped her girlfriend to an office chair in the driveway when they were both five years old. Hilarious. I loved this book. I think reading the hard cover book would have been better than reading it on my phone because I would be able to see the illustrations better.

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