Tuesday, January 25, 2022


 Years ago I started reading Mary Roach books on the advice of a friend. I read Bonk, Gulp, Grunt, and Stiff. A few months ago this same friend said she read Fuzz and it was really good so I requested to loan it from my library. I just finished Fuzz: When Nature Breaks The Law. This book is about human/nature conflicts. In the beginning of the book she goes to an animal attack forensics convention where she is trained to know what humans look like after they have been attacked by a bear, a wolf, or a cougar. She investigates bear proof garbage cans in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. She travels to India to learn about the elephants who break into houses to steal alcoholic beverages. The book haphazardly goes from one animal species to another. Unlike her other books

that I thought were well written and informative, this book seems to be a collection of articles about human/nature conflict that she tossed together and called it a book.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...