Sunday, July 2, 2023

How Often Can You Tell A Person That They Have Your Vote?

 I have been spending some time lately sitting on my front steps whittling walking sticks for the grand girls. I used balsam poplar because they are light weight. Whittling is best done in the summer and outside. While I was busy attaching rubber cups to the bottoms of the sticks I was visited by the mayor of my fair city. She was with another woman and they were handing out political material before the primary on August 8th. She looks so different wearing a baseball style cap. I was pleased to meet her. I told her I approved of her decisions. She said she might put that on her literature - Sue approves of her decisions. How often can you tell a person that they have your vote?

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Catoctin Mountain

  This morning Offspring #1's family and I took off for Catoctin Mountain Park in Maryland. The drive was just over a half mile south, p...