Sunday, November 24, 2024

Second Hans Souls

 I listened to an audio book called Second Hand Souls this week. Christopher Moore is the author. The story is set in San Francisco. Somehow the dead people have gone missing. Their souls are not being collected. Death merchant, Charlie Asher, is trying to figure out why. His girlfriend, a former Buddhist nun had his body transformed into a short creature. Now she is looking for a man who will die soon so Charlie can live in that body. She does find a man. He has a job as a painter on the Golden Gate bridge. Later Charlie has to get used to living in a man sized body again. There is another death merchant who is 7 feet tall and his name is Minty Fresh. The is a police detective named Alphonse Riviera. Charlie has a daughter named Sophie. Sophie had two guard dogs but now they are missing. This was an amusing tale even though death and suicide are in the book.



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