Tuesday, December 16, 2014

A Week At The Beach Part III (For The Birds)

The birds down here let me get close enough to get good photos with my inexpensive camera.  Here are 3 white ibis searching for food in the surf.

Here is a pair of willets. The one on the right has some food in it's beak.

Like I said, you can get really close to these birds down here.

Here is a photo of a brown pelican foot.  Note the pretty pattern in the feathers.

This cattle egret poses for my camera displaying it's beautiful s curved neck.

A great blue heron (right) and blue heron (left) in the same picture!  I took this shot from the front seat of a double kayak while my brother-in-law did all the work paddling.

This anhinga spread his shiny black wings in the sun to dry.

This is my best shot.  A yellow crowned night heron stood so still I got close enough to capture the glint in it's eye.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...