Saturday, December 27, 2014

Odd To The Bone

I am back!  I have a new hip and it is working fine.  Surgery took longer than expected because I had undiagnosed hip dysplasia.   My socket was turned out farther to the right than normal.  So I was accustomed to rotating my hip to the right much farther than most people.  My new hip socket was put in the normal position and it will take some getting used to because I can feel the difference especially when I sit on a hard surface.  My first step on my new hip was momentous to me.  I asked the nurse who was helping me get out of bed and stand
to do a drum roll please.  She didn't so I did one mentally in my head.  I suppose she wanted to keep her hands free in case I tumbled over.  I didn't tumble over.  I walked 200 feet and wanted to go further but she told me to stop.  Walking felt so good after being immobilized for so long.  I had leg compression  leggings on. Actually those were put on before surgery.  The left one was put on before surgery but not the right.  So before surgery I enjoyed my legging so much I named him Johnny for short, Johnny Depp for long.  Both Johnny and George (George Clooney) massaged my legs day and night, day and night.  Each leg had 3 strips.  The lower strip would inflate followed by the middle and topped off by the third.  After 90 seconds the other leg would inflate.  Johnny and George worked tirelessly all night long massaging my legs and that helped but it still felt good to walk.  My walk felt good for my legs, my back, my shoulders and my arms. My walk felt good physically but also psychologically. You can see in the second photo a picture of me walking on my stainless steel, titanium and high density plastic hip.  Offspring #2 fancied it up to cover certain post operative complications.  The blue shoulder pack is the controls for Johnny and George.  I can't remember the last time I felt that good after a walk.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...