Sunday, December 21, 2014

Hip Hip Hooray!

There comes a time when enough is enough.  Little things bother me and I tough it out. My hip hurt.  I'm not the kind of person who pays very much attention to my body.  So I keep trucking along.  I did notice more and more pain in my right hip.  In February I thought I had a serious problem but didn't want to go to the doc because I was afraid I would be told I needed a new hip.  So I put up with it.  Sometimes my hip would lock and the pain would be excruciating.  At night the hip would throb and keep me awake.  After living with that I decided in October that if the doc said I needed a new hip, that would be good news; a solution to a problem.  So I went in and the doc said, "A hip replacement is in your future."  Tomorrow is the big day.  Over the past few weeks I've been thinking things like,"This will be the last (bike ride, kayak ride, swim, walk to the copier, session on the Stairmaster) with this worn out hip. This will be the last blog entry with this hip too.  I am so ready for this solution. Hip Hip Hooray!  

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...