Thursday, December 18, 2014

Week At The Beach (Not Birds)

We got out of our car on the Ding Darling Wildlife Drive because a man and a woman were standing there looking down at something.  We thought it was a bird.  And the couple admitted they got out of the car to look at a bird but instead found a couple of horse shoe crabs mating.  Look away, this is private.

We saw an ALLIGATOR! That was exciting.  This gator was watching a pair of pied billed grebes frolicking in the water.

And at a stream down from a power plant we saw manatees frolicking in the water.  One Momma Manatee (Momatee?) had a baby on her back.  When she came up for a sip of air, the baby came up on her back.  The males can weigh 1000 pounds and the females can weigh 3000 pounds.  Manatees like water warmer than 68 degrees and the power plant discharges warm water.  So the manatees hang out there just like the Minnesotans hang around the fire in the fireplace.
Funny story. Tonight I treated myself to a pedicure. I stopped at a neighborhood place and paid for a woman who spoke English and Vietnamese to take care of me.  She scrubbed the bottoms of my feet and asked, "Why so soft?  Why you feet like a baby butt?"  I laughed.  I said I had walked for a week on a sandy beach and had them naturally pumiced.  She had the other nail technician admire my tootsies too.  It was hilarious.  I was happy that any part of this old body is comparable to any part of a baby's body.  And guess what color nail polish I chose?  Can you guess?  Yep!  That's right.  I chose a popsicle orange.  Any time in the next few weeks if I feel sorry for myself I can look down at my feet and be of good cheer.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...