Friday, August 17, 2012

Chicken Feet Creep Me Out

My new chicks are Buff Orpingtons.  They differ from the Americauna chicks like Meredith.  They're bigger and they lay brown eggs instead of green.  Americauna chickens have greenish blue legs and ears and feet.  These Orpingtons  do not have green or blue legs.  Their legs are, what, flesh colored?  They kinda creep me out.  The color is too close to human flesh for my comfort.  Or maybe it's because the Orpington chicken feet look like alien hands.  Look at those nails and how the toes bend.  They could be Martian hands.  I can hardly stand to look at their feet I get so creeped out.  Other than the color of the feet, I am happy with the chicks.  They're all healthy and growing up fast.  They act docile and they're nice to Meredith.  They don't wander too far.  When it gets dark, they're pretty good about going inside the coop.  Aside from the creepy human/alien feet, I like my chicks.

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