Saturday, August 11, 2012

Didn't Work Out

Today I had plans for an awesome bike ride to Noerumburg Gardens and around Lake Minnetonka.  A friend and I had the entire route plotted out.  This morning my friend had to bail on the trip because of illness but I thought I would go ahead anyway.  I took the nine pages of google directions and condensed them to two pages.  One page was to the gardens and the second page was around the lake and home again.  I taped the pages to the gas tank so I could read the directions without pulling over to stop.  All set to go.  I was putting on my jacket when I looked down at the back of my bike to see, to my horror, my license plate was missing. A month earlier I had noticed a tear in the license plate after I had the bike serviced.  I bent the plate flat and didn't think much more about it.  Who would think the wind would tear the metal of a license plate?  I guess it is possible that someone came by and ripped it off by hand.  I have no idea how long the plate has been missing.  I wasn't comfortable completing a 100+ mile trip without a license plate.  Surely some officer would pull me over and I would have some explaining to do.  I have the registration papers that show I paid for my yearly sticker but I am guessing I could still get a citation.  I drove to the license bureau this morning hoping they would be open on Saturday. No such luck.  The bike trip today is just not going to work out.  Plan B?  To be determined.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...