Saturday, April 27, 2013

Get A Kick

I get a kick out of some of the little things in life.  Things like going to sleep on clean sheets after taking a shower, smelling cut grass or sailing through a series of green traffic lights give me a kick.  I have a new kick.  This one is regarding laundry which is good because laundry is not my favorite chore.  My laundry room is in the lower half level of my house.  The window, which is waist high to me, looks out only a few inches from ground level.  Sometimes, like today for example,  the chickens are giving themselves dust baths right out side the window and directly under the dryer vent.  Watching the chicken startle when the dryer comes on gives me a kick.  They're hysterical.

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Costa Rica

I took an eco-cruise in Costa Rica. We went to a river outside of Limon City. This is a tiger heron. We were on boats with room for 20 passe...