Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Dove Keepers

Alice Hoffman (one of my favorite authors) wrote The Dovekeepers, a novel that takes place in the year 70.  The story culminates in an actual event; the seige of a fortress held by 900 Jewish people by the Roman army that lasted for 4 months.  Only 7 people survived.  The story is told by four women; Yael, Revka, Aziza and Shirah.  Their lives intersect and my opinion of each woman changes as I hear their side of the story.  As I read the book I kept thinking, "Offspring #2 would love this story."  She likes epics and complicated quest stories more than I do.  I did like this book though.  I can easily imagine it as a movie.


Cajo said...

Ok, since you recommended it, I put the request in at the library.

Sue said...

You will definitely like it.

An Honest Mistake

  Today I went to the West Shores YMCA where I have been a member since last winter. After exercising on the second floor I came back down t...