Wednesday, May 31, 2017


Early this morning, around 6:30 I was washing dishes at a loved one's house and looking out the window.  She has a fountain with a statue of a little girl wearing a skirt and water pours out of her watering can.  As I wash scrambled egg off a white plate I see a male ruby throated hummingbird fly up and perch on edge of the fountain.  "Hello big fella," I say to the hummingbird through the closed window.  I watch as he moves under the stream of water.  I see a hummingbird take a shower.  I've seen hummingbirds fly and eat and perch and zoom and zig zag but until this moment I had never seen a hummingbird take a shower.  I ask, "You need a towel out there?"  The hummingbird ignores me and flies away.  What a magical moment I had today!

Sunday, May 28, 2017


Whenever I visit Offspring #1 he makes tofu for me, or for himself, or for everybody at the table. This, to me, is highly ironic because when I presented meals when he was a teenager, he would ask in a tone of voice that suggested I was offering toxic chemicals, "I suppose there is tofu in this?"   And now he makes tofu for me.  He does it so well!  I visit him. He makes me tofu.  I go home.  I buy tofu.  I try and make it.  The tofu tastes terrible.  I give up on tofu until the next visit. Repeat 8 times.  This time was different. This time I made tofu and it wasn't half bad - crunchy and chewy; totally edible. The taste was improved with some ketchup and mustard.   My recipe includes these ingredients:  1 block extra firm organic tofu from Trader Joe's, 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 tablespoon soy sauce (except I used ketchup a friend of mine made when she was one whole 30 diet), 1 tablespoon arrowroot powder (except I used cornstarch).  Place your tofu on top of your cheese grater to drain while you cover it with 8 heavy ceramic plates. Go to the gym. Lift weights focusing on biceps, triceps, shoulders, lats and legs.  Walk on the treadmill at a good pace  and a 4.5 incline for 20 minutes. Drive home.  Cut tofu into small uneven chunks.  Aim for even though. Place chunks in bowl. Add oil, ketchup and cornstarch.  Stir until all chunks are covered. Preheat oven t0 400 degrees.  Place parchment paper on a cookie sheet.  When oven is hot spread tofu chunks apart making sure all surfaces are coated.  Bake for 15 minutes.  Turn each chunk.  Taste a chunk but don't be disappointed yet.  Bake another 15 minutes.  Look at tofu.  Give it another 5 minutes at 400 degrees.  Remove from oven. Bazinga!

Saturday, May 27, 2017


The chickens raised a ruckus early this morning before the dawn.  I don't know what kind of predator was out there but my yelling out the window was not enough to make it leave the scene.  I had to go out there in person to scare it off.  Note to self: leave a robe by the bed.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Trail of Conflict

The Trail of Conflict is another book I read in Sicily.  Written by Emilie Baker Loring in 1922 this story is about a couple who marry for convenience.  One has money and the other has a good name.  The couple's creepy fathers make this arrangement and somehow expect it is going to work. The story is predictable. Time after time something is said that one person misunderstands and takes offence but never bothers to clarify what was meant and suddenly circumstances clear up the misunderstanding and all is well again.  After the fifth time a misunderstanding is cleared up I got tired of the pattern.  I did enjoy the descriptions of the food, clothing, and scenery though.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Myths and Legends of All Nations Famous Stories from the Greek, German, English, Spanish, Scandinavian, Danish, French, Russian, Bohemian, Italian and other sources

I decided, that on my trip to Sicily, a 17 hour trip not including the time to and from the first and last airport, I decided to read Myths and Legends of All Nations Famous Stories from the Greek, German, English, Spanish, Scandinavian, Danish, French, Russian, Bohemian, Italian and other sources on my Kindle.  You know, it makes sense.  I traveled to the island where the one-eyed Cyclops was reported to live.  Such stories.  So many heroes.   Cyclops was a dangerous legend. He ate a person per day.  Wow.  My favorite was Jason.  Jason of the golden fleece and his gang the Argonauts was my favorite hero.  Jason different from the rest in that he was more inclined to peaceful outcomes. I read myths and legends from Italy, Greek, Norway, Britain, Germany, France, Russia, Croatia.  Maybe, in the future, when they write new myths and legends, Jason's name will be replaced by the name Barack.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Leaving Time

Normally I borrow books rather than buy them but this one I bought in order to get free shipping on other Amazon items.  I am a big Picoult fan so I saved this book to read on the airplane ride to Sicily.  I read it and at the end I felt deceived. This book just didn't measure up to the other novels I have read by Jodi Picoult.  It wasn't a terrible book but no where near as good as the others of hers that I have read.  Some readers might think it was a clever plot twist.  Mine was, "Are you kidding me?"

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Garlic Mustard

This morning I was driving home from the gym and noticed a new plant next to my driveway.  This is the same spot that a friend of mine said she found garlic mustard.  After parking I put my gloves on and pulled off a leaf of these green plants with white flowers.  It smelled delicious-like garlic mustard.  I know this is an invasive plant so I started pulling.  After all the rain we have had the plants pulled out easily.  I have tons of garlic mustard.  I pulled for an hour and filled up my garbage container.  My friend said garlic mustard must be trashed.  Composting isn't good enough she told me.  Whew!  There is an hour of hard work and I didn't get it all.  This is the same area that I have been fighting the buck thorn only to find it replaced by garlic mustard.  Golly. Sometimes the more you know about invasive species the less peace and tranquility you have in life.  My trash smells delicious but full of nasty garlic mustard.  The struggle is real.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Home Sweet Home

Coming home from vacation it is always nice to get home.  Certain things suddenly become meaningful where before the trip I never noticed them.  The taste of my own well water is delicious.  My comfy bed, the sound of my canary, wearing clothes I haven't worn for three solid weeks, and the clean feel of my teeth after brushing with my fully charged electric toothbrush make me glad to be back.

Choco Crack

Walking through the grocery store at the mall, I had to laugh when I saw this cereal named Choco Crack.  I don't eat much boxed cereal but I probably would try one named Choco Crack.

Friday, May 19, 2017


I don't normally take pictures of my lunch but I did on Tuesday.  I had arancini for lunch.  The things about arancini is that it feels like a brick in the belly and after eating it, you won't be hungry for about ten hours.  Arancini is an Sicilian delicacy.  I chose the one with spinach.  In Catania, the arancini is cone shaped.  Elsewhere in Italy it is a round ball of rice, mozzerella and spinach coated in bread crumbs and deep fried. Other options include meat, peas, and tomato sauce.  I can't eat it often but I do enjoy an occasional arancini!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017


I like to go for walks every day. You know, get out of the house, breathe some fresh air, see the sights, and loosen up the arthritic limbs. At first Granddaughter #1 was all aboard with this idea.  Her Daddy was at work and she was happy to go with Gamma.  Now that both parents are home she does not want to go for walks with Gamma.  I believe she fears they will take off again like they did when her sister was born. She checks in with us regularly. "Mommy?  Daddy?  Gamma?"  She just wants to make sure she knows where everybody is.  Here is a photo of her before she was a big sister going for a ride on her trike only she's not riding the trike, she's pushing it. The trike has a handle for the parent to steer and propel because her little legs can't quite reach the pedals. But she's got her helmet on which was good because after 10 minutes of pushing that bike around she was ready to let me do the work. Behind every yard on the base is a fenced in alley. Some people are lucky enough to be assigned a yard with a bottle brush shrub as seen above. Red petals litter the alley.  Those bottle brush shrubs have lots of bees so maybe they aren't so lucky after all.  Others have bird of paradise shrubs, palm trees, orange trees, lemon trees, lime trees, these tall purple flowering trees that resemble giant lilacs, and mimosa trees. If I had a choice, I would choose an orange tree.  Generally we don't go down the alleys so much because of the dogs.  Many people on base have dogs who protect their back yards by fiercely barking at all who dare walk down the alley.  Granddaughter #1's response to the fierce barking is to freeze and observe which only extends the barking longer.  So we walk down the streets.  Other people walk by and greet her by name.  This child knows a lot of people. I hope I can get at least one more walk in before I leave.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Totes Adorbs

Babies are so sweet!  Semi-comatose little bundles of joy that I can carry around on my arm, nuzzle her little neck, and rub her little head (complete with a head of male pattern baldness hair) are so sweet I almost want one for my own. The way babies squeak and groan and yawn and sneeze is totes adorbs! I love the way she can stretch the entire body by drawing up her legs, sticking out her rump, and throwing her head back while straightening her arms.I saw a video of her older sister at the same age and it was like looking at twins. I hold this baby when she is crying and when she is sleeping and when she is awake. And then, when it is time to nurse and I want her to wake up completely so she doesn't fall asleep in the middle of her meal, I lay her on her stomach and support her head by my shoulder. As she wakes up she tries to lift her head up to suck on her fingers. Since she has little control of the neck muscles attached to her mighty head her noggin bounces up and down once, twice and three times.  She moves her mouth left and right in a desperate attempt to find something to suck on.  Once she is good and ready I give her to her mother.  I don't hold her when she is nursing. That would be weird. I tell her she is doing everything right. She ate, she slept, she eliminated. That is a perfect day.  "Keep up the good work," I tell her, "and do it again tomorrow."  Only 8 days old she has already surpassed her birth weight by half a pound.  What a sweetheart!

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Birthday #2

What more could a girl ask for on a birthday?  Presents, a bouncy house, pulled pork sandwiches, candles, punch, balloons, cards, cone shaped hats, friends and family joining together in the happy birthday song.  Not to mention carrot cake with raisins and pecans.  What a wonderful celebration!

Thursday, May 11, 2017


I remember my Grandmother holding great grand babies on her lap for hours and being perfectly content.  She said she loved holding babies.  From my perspective, at the time, holding babies that long looked a tad boring.  Now I get where she is coming from.  I love holding babies now too.  Plus these days they have these C shaped pillows that you put around your waist so the baby is held higher and you can rest your arms a bit.  These pillows make all the difference.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Italian Sparrows

The Italian sparrows around here have a strikingly rich shade of brown on the back of their heads. Catching them on camera is difficult because they don't sit still for long.  Many are tending nests or building nests. Yesterday we saw 4 Italian sparrows mobbing an Eurasian magpie. We watched and learned they had good reason to mob the magpie as the magpie tore a sparrow nestling limb from limb and swallowed it down. Once the first limb came off the sparrows gave up and flew away.

Miss Eva & The Water Table

Playing in water and getting all wet keeps us cool in this bright  Sicilian sunshine!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Miss Eva & The Volcano

We spent some time strolling around the Navy base today while singing songs and playing with the duplo birthday cake.  We sang the alphabet song, part of Old King Cole (the parts I could remember), How Much Is That Doggie In the Window, Purple Rain, America the Beautiful and My Country Tis Of Thee.  The song sung most often at popular request was "Happy Birthday."  In two weeks, this grandchild will have her second birthday party and be totally prepared for the song.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017


While waiting for grandchild #2, grandchild #1 have spent a lot of time talking.  Gradually I am learning her language.  Some of what she says is very clear. She can say Ikea very clearly.  She said Ikea so many times I told her she could do an advertisement for Ikea because her pronunciation is extra adorable.  Another word she uses frequently is cozy.  Cozy is a concept so I'm surprised she knows it so well and loves it so much. She says "Gamma?" frequently.  I think she just wants to know if I am still here visiting but I can't get enough of that word.  "Cue Me," (excuse me) is something she says after she toots.  We left the house to go for a bike ride.  She reminded me of her helmet six times before I comprehended the word helmet. My eyes widened when she went to the fridge and asked for a drink of latte' kefir.  Who says latte' kefir?  She does, that is who. We were going through her toys and I said, "Oh, alpaca!"  She corrects me with "Llama."  We were walking through Ikea and I heard her ask, "funnel?" We were walking past a display of funnels. I was so impressed she could say funnel that I told her, "Girl!  You put the fun in funnel!"  I ask her when the baby is coming.  "Soon!" is her answer.

Colored Television

  I quickly read Colored Television written by Danzy Senna. Set in Los Angeles, this is a current novel about a family trying to get by. Ja...