Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Chicken Shenanigans

Tonight I got home from work and went about my chores. I got the mail.  I emptied the dehumidifier.  I watered the plants outside. I sauteed some vegies. I set a pot of water on the stove to boil. Then I went outside with a pitcher of fresh water and some fresh vegetable scraps to check on the chickens. I pushed some peppers, squash and carrot ends into the run for a snack when I saw my six chickens pacing in excitement. I thought nothing of it until I realized one chicken, one of the Americauna chickens, specifically Pollyanna, was pacing back and forth outside of the run; not inside with the other five chickens.  I have no idea how she got out. The doors were shut. Nothing appears out of the ordinary.  All parts of the chicken coop and the chicken run appear intact.  This morning, when I laid out the muskmelon rinds, Pollyanna was inside with her sisters. So what the heck kind of chicken shenanigans went on today?  Pollyanna walked around the coop to my side so I opened the door and she hopped right in with the others. So far my only explanation is someone is gaslighting me or Pollyanna is a magical chicken.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...