Wednesday, August 1, 2018

The Predator Returns

A predator was at my chicken coop this morning at 2;30 a.m.  I chased it away. Today I see it dug under the run and pulled out some corn cobs I had given the chickens for a treat.  The predator was also on top of the coop and it broke off some wood on the roof and knocked a door handle off. I made repairs this morning. I put the handle back on and I put a heavy cement bird bath over the hole.  I have the chicken coop tucked in tight between a black spruce and a white pine so they would stay cool. The predator was under the black spruce digging. I put a solar powered light out there.  I also put three sponges around the coop and saturated them with wolf urine. Word in the neighborhood is that we have new predators out there.  I get this information from my neighbor. She spotted and photographed a coyote on the next block. She has also been chicken sitting for another neighbor two blocks away.  A predator killed two of the three chickens she was taking care of.  She thought it was a fox or a raccoon. Predators have to eat too but I wish they would eat more bunnies and leave my chickens alone.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...