Saturday, August 11, 2018

Day Three on Isle Royale

I was up early on day 3 on the island.  Here I am making coffee.  I put a coffee filter into a small strainer and pour hot water into the metal cup. Delicious! The oatmeal with cranberries and strawberries was also delicious.  Offspring #2 said we could grab a cabin if they were empty. Although I heard the same words yesterday, I didn't realize that meant we could sleep in a cabin for no additional cost.  I threw down my oatmeal.  A light drizzle had just started.  Offspring #2 said cabin 3 was taken.  I marched a mere 75 paces away to find cabin 3 empty and available. I took my hat out of my pocket  and threw it on the door step.  I came back to our campsite and said, "Pack up!  We're moving to cabin 3."

We moved our stuff into cabin 3. Here we are right on Washington creek and we have a cabin to stay in today!  The cabin has 3 walls, a screen front and a roof.  The cabin is a couple feet off the ground.  Luxury accommodations were needed after what we went through. 

Every time we opened a package that made a crinkly sound this red squirrel would come running expecting a handout.  Self-important little red squirrel.  Turns out these squirrels have been isolated from other squirrels for so long they have become their own sub-species.  They are smaller, not as reddish, and their tails are not as fluffy. The name of the sub species is Regala because they act so self-important.

We spent a half hour watching this herring gull fish right in front of our campsite.

Inside the cabin people left drawing so we decided to leave one too. Maybe we'll come back some day to see it.

We liked this tree.

The moose was cute.

We liked this one too.

This moose was more realistic.

Here is eye ball man!

The rain came down hard in the afternoon so we had to move inside. We were so grateful for cabin three I can't even begin to tell you how grateful we were.

We were snug as a bug in a rug. Although the floor was hard we slept well.  During the night I worried I would fall off the bed as I tossed and turned.  In the morning I found myself on the other side of the cabin!

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...