Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Summer Vegetables

This week was week 11 of getting a box of fresh vegetables from my farmer on Monday nights.  Actually this week I got a box AND a bag.  In the bag was a delicious watermelon that would have been too heavy for the box.  The box already had two acorn squash, a zucchini, a yellow squash, a bag of Hungarian hot wax peppers, a good amount of red potatoes, a half dozen roma tomatoes and two extra large slicing tomatoes. So far this year I have made use of all the vegetables. I have sauerkraut going.  I made 4 jars of refrigerator pickles.  I used or dried all the herbs. I try to supplement by buying fewer vegetables at the store.  I cannot live without onion and garlic.  If I buy an onion at the store chances are I will get onions in the box. Last weekend I bought garlic at the store and sure enough, now I have garlic in my CSA box. So if you run into me and are surprised by the astounding smell or garlic emanating from my pores, you now know why.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...