Monday, August 13, 2018

A Great Trip to Isle Royale

After waking up to moose having breakfast there was no way we could get back to sleep.

We watched the 3 moose eating for about 90 minutes.  I sat on a bee nest to make room for Offspring #2 to see better.  The bees kindly asked me to move and I did. Eventually we made coffee and oatmeal and ate our breakfast along with the moose. We could actually hear them chewing.

We are feeling pretty proud of ourselves so we posed in our Lara Croft outfits in front of our cabin.

The time had come to leave this lovely island. When we first woke up the sky was clear and there was no fog. We could actually see the fog appearing and it stayed thick and white all morning.  One unhappy guy was scheduled to take a sea plane out this morning. He was upset that he would have to sit on his hands until Tuesday. We waited with the others at the dock looking for our ship to come in. Here is the ship coming in. The white boat just appeared out of a white cloud.  I could see the look on the pilot's face when he saw the dock.  The dock was not where he thought it would be and he quickly spun the wheel to avoid a collision.

A mother grebe was supervising about a dozen chicks.

Cute little ducks!

While our voyage on the Sea Hunter II was organized and safe, our voyage on the Voyageur II was different.  Someone mentioned a tin can and it turns out this boat was a tin can compared to the other boat. We got no safety lecture. The wood on the door was missing some slats. But all that doesn't matter because we made it safely to Grand Portage. We were only a half hour late.  After paying $4/day for parking we were on our way. We stopped at a gas station for some junk food.  We picked up my niece in Grand Marais. She needed a ride to Richfield and we were heading that way. We stopped for dinner in Duluth and had a lovely, if not smelly ride home. Now, over a week later, that my left knee has stopped aching I can honestly say it was a great trip.  I would go again.

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