Saturday, August 18, 2018

Heckyl Has A Bald Spot On Her Neck

Early this morning at 1:30 a.m. another attack occurred on the chickens.  I woke to the sound of a chicken screaming bloody murder.  Yelling out the window and banging on the glass did not help. I hurried out of the house and I thought I could hear the poor chicken screaming as it was being led away. The sound was getting dimmer but I think that was because I was moving; not the chicken.  I went out there and as soon as I turned the corner on the east side of the house the animal took off.  I counted my chickens and all were accounted for so I went back to bed.  In the morning I saw that it was Heckyl who was crying. She has a bald patch of skin showing on the back of her neck. I see her feathers all over the ground where the attacker dug a hole to get into the run from underneath.  This attacker tried this before and that is why there is a cement bird bath next to the run. I had no choice but to move the run to firmer ground which is what I did after a very long and glorious day outside. Both Heckyl and her sister Jeckyl laid eggs today along with one of the Americaunas.  No chickens were lost in the attack. I got three eggs today.  Feathers will grow back.  Today was a good day.  More on my glorious day outside tomorrow!

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...