Thursday, August 30, 2018

Nordic Waffles!

Today I stopped on the way home from work to have my teeth cleaned.  I am lying on the dental chair with the blue paper clipped around my neck. Sharp instruments are probing the gum tissue around my teeth.  I look up at the big television screen. Channel Five is showing scenes from the state fair. Some people are eating Nordic waffles. I say, "Hey, hook. Hi hollege hoomhate eh ah cv."  It is hard to enunciate clearly when people have fingers in my mouth. One the screen was the smiling face of my college room mate. She was eating a Nordic waffle. What are the chances of me happening to catch the moment she was on television? Pretty slim because I never watch Channel 5 between 4 and 5 otherwise unless I happen to glance up from the elliptical at the gym. Not only was it very pleasant to see my former room mate on television, she took my mind off the scraping and probing that was going on in my mouth.  When I lived on Fifth Avenue in Saint Cloud I slept on the bottom bunk and she slept in the top bunk.  She says I ground my teeth at night. I don't grind my teeth at night anymore.  Now I snore.  I am sure I snore softly and elegantly though, don't you think?

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The Winter People

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