Monday, October 3, 2011


Last night I had some Greek garbanzo bean stew and pumpernickel bread for supper.  As I chewed my dark break, I started thinking about the name pumpernickel.  "Pumpernickel," I thought to myself, "Pump or nickel.  Pumper. Nick. El.  I should google that."  Later I did google the origin of the word pumpernickel.  Much to my surprise, the answer is gross.  Pumper is the German word for fart.  Like "Achoo" sounds like the sound, pumper sounds like a fart in Germany.  Nickel is the name for devil.  So pumpernickel is devil's fart bread.  Basically they thought the stuff was nearly inedible and gave you gas.  If I had known what pumpernickel meant, I don't think I would have purchased it.  What other foreign foods am I buying that I should be concerned about?

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