Sunday, June 3, 2018

The Fox Returns

This morning I was awake but not out of bed yet.  I listened to the house wren talking incessantly.  Turkeys were gobbling away. The cardinals called a few times.  The black capped chickadees are much quieter these days. All of a sudden I heard the familiar sound of chicken panic. Oh, snap! The red fox has returned. The last time it came around here was July 3,2017.  I yell out of my bedroom window.  The fox was looking at the chickens and now it looks up at me.  But it doesn't move away. I tell the fox, "I can still see you.  Don't make me come out there."  The fox slinks off but I know it isn't going too far away. Eleven months of no fox and today, this morning, it has returned.  Just yesterday I moved the chicken coop to a fresh spot of prairie. The chickens wanted to get out and walk around but I didn't let them.  I guess I knew the fox must be close.  Lucky for me I got a bottle of wolf pee and some sponges. I can scare that fox away for another eleven months I hope.  I went out there to check out the situation. While I was there I pulled up some woodbine vines.  I heard a deer sneeze.  The deer got up and walked down the hill. The deer sneezed seven more times while standing on the road at the bottom of the hill. I think it was a sneeze.  Air was being forced out through the nose and mouth. Maybe it was huffing at me. Can deer have allergies? I walked over to where the deer was hoping to see a fawn lying there but I could not find one. Many things are happening in this yard at 5:45 a.m.!

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