Saturday, February 1, 2020

Tybee Island

Responsibilities are calling me back to Minnesota. So how to spend my last day in the south?  At the shore, of course. I drove north and east to Tybee Island where every parking space on the whole island costs $3/hour. I parked by the lighthouse and walked over the boardwalk to see the Atlantic Ocean one last time. I listened to the surf. I watched the sandpipers, gulls, pelicans and other birds fly by. I think I might have seen a black skimmer. I kept my shoes on because the temperature was only in the 40's but I walked for 90 minutes along the beach.

I chose not to visit the lighthouse and accompanying museums. Spending the day outside seemed like the better choice.

I also visited the Tybee Marine Science Center on the other end of the island. They have a small menagerie including various fish, a ray, one loggerhead turtle. I got to watch the turtle get pampered with a betadine wash and anti fungal cream massage. This agency is devoted to saving turtles but also rescues birds and other animals. As I walked along the beach I kept looking for bottle nosed dolphins. I didn't see any bottle  nosed dolphins but I had fun loooking!


PCRalph said...

A nice way to spend your last day don there. Hope your trip back North is a safe one!

Sue said...

Thanks! It was a safe one but long!

An Honest Mistake

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