Saturday, June 26, 2021

Last Day In The U.P.

On our last day in Michigan we drove to various spots on the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore to see the sights. This is Log Slide and it is located on Log Slide Road east of Grand Marais, Michigan.
The storm that brought rain and thunder last night was still blowing this morning. The waves were amazing.
We walked to Sable Falls which was 168 steps down and 168 back up again.


We woke up on our last day in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to cold, rainy, and blustery weather. I wore socks, two pairs of pants, and my fleece jacket to bed inside my sleeping bag and my shins and feet were cold. Neither one of us wanted to go out in the rain to make coffee. Finally Offspring #2 made coffee so I felt obligated to make the oatmeal. It was still raining when we left about 10 a.m. to go to Grand Marais, Michigan. Look at me all matchy matchy in an ancient yellow rain suit sewn by my mother-in-law about 30 years ago and yellow umbrella. Although we had to go ten or fifteen miles out of our way we found a paved road out of Muskallonge State Park. We were so happy to avoid the bone-jarring gravel roads.

The wind was blowing gusts up to 30 miles per hour in the morning. We parked by the beach and the sand blew into our eyes. Serious agate hunters disregarded the wind and waves while they searched for treasures washed up by the storm. We stopped for coffee and drove around town for a while. The rain stopped around noon so we walked a short path to miner's rock (as seen in the photo above).

Doesn't Sasquatch look surprised to see a fox hound under his hand? We decided to splurge and have lunch in town. Only one place was open and it was super busy because all the campers wanted to get out of the elements. We ate outside on the patio. The pizza was delicious! I liked the upper peninsula of Michigan but it was one of those places like Wyoming. You had better buy gas when you got the chance because you might not see another gas station for a couple of hours. Cell service was rare. Unlike camping near Hayward we had absolutely no mosquitoes, deer flies nor horse flies. The campsites near Black Lake State Park in Hayward were secluded and private. The campsites at Muskallonge State Park in Michigan were packed closely together, few trees, and no privacy. Most of the campers had off road vehicles or dirt bikes to play with. I was really grateful we came here. Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore was on my destination list ever since I heard about it 15 years ago.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...