Saturday, July 4, 2009

Peaceful Morning

This morning I spent a lot of time on the deck. Every time I opened the deck door, I thought of my sibling who was nice enough to put that door back on track yesterday. I read the newspaper on the deck. I hung my clothes on the wooden dryer rack on the deck. I laid on the deck swing and read my book club book for an hour or so. While relaxing on the deck I was visited by two chickadees, two goldfinch, three hummingbirds, and one affectionate Hackberry Emperor butterfly. This butterfly landed on my foot. The butterfly stayed on my foot for almost an hour, probing my skin with it's ticklish proboscis. I sat up and the butterfly stayed on my foot. I stood up with the butterfly upside down clinging to my sole. The butterfly didn't want to leave. I limped to the door on my heel so I wouldn't crush it. I finally had to coax it off with my finger. The butterfly liked me!

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Costa Rica

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