Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I Don't Want To Be Mrs. Tweedy from the Tweedy Egg Farm but . . .

My chickens haven't laid any eggs for weeks.  What is up with that?  They continue to eat as much food and drink as much water.  Except for Pamela who is still molting, they look healthy.  They walk and talk and move about like they did before.  Chickens would normally not produce eggs in the winter because there is less sunlight.  My chickens have had a light in the coop for a couple weeks now.  The light keeps them warm. Last year the light kept them laying all winter long. I moved the location of the light so that it shines more on the door area of the coop instead of the nesting area of the coop.  Maybe that is the difference.  Maybe they are adjusting to their winter diet.  They don't eat any dandelion leaves or bugs anymore.  All they eat is what I give them; chicken mash with the occasional dried meal worms, cucumber, whey, and sunflower seeds.  This morning they had a little bit of leftover banana bread. If you saw the movie Chicken Run you might remember that Mrs. Tweedy counts how many eggs each chicken produces.  Low egg producers are made into chicken pot pie.  I'm not going to turn my girls into a pie but I do wonder, what am I getting for all this chicken feed?

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