Tuesday, March 1, 2011


My body feels like a pinball machine lately, well, ever since Saturday.  And not in a good way.  This ugly green virus is what I picture the pinball looks like.  And I want to loose this game of pinball.  I want this bug to go down the drain.  A lot has gone down the drain since Saturday.  So much has gone down the drain I lost four pounds.  I don't know how this green bug managed to stay in.  At first the pinball stayed in the gut, bouncing back and forth and back and forth.  All the displays were lit up and high, nasty points were made.  Today the pinball is bouncing from gut to head to throat, gut, head, throat, gut, head, and throat.  I don't want it to stop in one place, I want it to leave.  I am mentally holding my flippers wide open.  Maybe I should tilt myself to end this game of pinball.  Excuse me while I go stand on my head in the corner.


Dianne said...

Oh NO I hope you feel good real soon. So many viruses this year already.

Sue said...

Thanks, me too.

The Winter People

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