Saturday, September 29, 2012

Fall Wildlife Festival at Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge

Today I volunteered to help at the wildlife festival at the Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge.  I drove up on my motorcycle and promptly shed many layers of clothes because the day warmed up quickly.  We had plenty of volunteers and it was fun to see people I know but I don't get to see very often.  I helped set up a children's craft table, monitored a speech, and answered a few questions but I had plenty of time to walk around and see the sights.  Stan Tekiela spoke.  He is the author of many books and a fascinating, hilarious speaker.  I listened to his talk on birds.  He talked about the red headed woodpecker and how their numbers have dropped 80% since the 1950's.  Another cavity dwelling woodpecker, the red bellied, is about the same size and their population has greatly increased in the last 50 years.  If they're both woodpeckers and they both live in cavities, why is one on the road to extinction and the other becoming more common?  He didn't have the answer but it is a good question.  I stood in line to get a ride on a hay wagon pulled by a couple of tired looking Percherons and that was great fun.  The big feet of the Percherons kicked dust about 6 feet ahead  as they plodded along.  The ride was fun though and I had a good time.  I took a new way home and got totally lost.  Getting lost makes the ride a little longer but much more enjoyable.

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The Winter People

  I am not sure why I read a horror/mystery book set in Vermont. Desperate for literature I guess. I didn't really enjoy The Winter Peop...