I fell and hurt my leg 3 weeks ago and haven't recovered yet. The swelling went down in all but one general area. I think I was too sick to think clearly because my nausea, stomach aches, headaches, chills, increased leg pain, and extreme lethargy should have given me a clue. I've been too exhausted to even fill the bird feeders. A smart friend of mine said I should go to the doctor as soon as possible. So I did. The doc gave me 20 more days on antibiotics and a suggestion to take two weeks off work. Impossible, I thought, I'm way too busy. And sitting on my red and blue couch for two weeks sounded dreadful. Two weeks of lying around might heal my leg but I wouldn't appreciate it because I would go insane. How would two weeks off work sound good? My first thought was an eco-lodge in Costa Rica. I could lie in a hammock, binoculars and bird field guide in hand, a tall drink with an umbrella on top. But there are monkeys in Costa Rica. No doubt they would try and get into my stuff, darn monkeys. Scratch that idea. How about the Nile River? Floating down the Nile with my leg elevated for two weeks, some tall boy fanning me with a big palm leaf, feeding me grapes. But even that would get tiring after a couple weeks. Instead I've decided to work a little less than half time. Offspring #2 came by, mowed the lawn, and served me two meals. She brought a stack of dvd's that will help pass the time. Her company and the medicine have helped me feel better. My neighbors brought me a stack of novels. Many friends have offered to help me buy groceries or clean the house. I'm lucky to have a strong support system. The chills are entirely gone. The other symptoms have faded but not left completely. The strange thing is that I'm having olfactory hallucinations. Every once in a while I get a whiff of nastiness and feel my house reeks of spoiled food. Lucky no one else can smell the garbage smell. I know this because I've asked. The house smells fine; it's all in my head. I thought only old or unhealthy people got cellulitis but I was wrong. Leg injuries are especially prone to cellulitis. So today I stayed home and watched a movie, "Sicko," a Michael Moore documentary about the medical industry. This probably wasn't the best choice on a sick day. Michael Moore is so over the top he becomes almost comical lessening my confidence that he is speaking any truths at all.