Monday, July 8, 2013


I have been feeling down, way down.  I have been feeling the effects of falling through my deck down about 6 feet.  I landed on my feet though.  If I was chubbier I wouldn't have fit between those 16 inch joists. I'd still be dangling there with my legs kicking. As my fall started my thoughts were all about denial.  This was not happening is all I could think as my fall happened. I wasn't badly hurt.  I have some bruises and scrapes.  My biggest problem is the bruise on my right shin that has swollen to grotesque proportions.  My right leg is bigger than my left leg from mid= thigh to toes.  I've been following the "RICE" instructions of rest, ice, compression and elevation except for the compression. I haven't done that.  I alternate between a bag of frozen strawberries and a bag of frozen broccoli. Being a couch potato has given me time to contemplate my carelessness.  I was working on replacing the deck boards in the hot sun on Sunday. I was hot and sweaty and probably needed to take  a break when I foolishly stood on the end of a board that tipped me down between the joists to the ground below.  I was lucky the board missed me when it landed.  This deck is a much bigger and slower job than I imagined.  I have a very important event on Friday at which I want to look and feel my best.  Lucky for me my dress is a long one and my bruise won't show. Gravity - she can be a bi-ch sometimes.

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