Thursday, July 11, 2013

Looking at the Bright Side

My leg is healing from falling through the deck.   Every day the swelling goes down a little bit more.  I have been forced to slow down and take things easier.  As I sit outside soaking my leg in epsom salts I realize that I never just sit and enjoy my yard. I'm always planning, doing and going, going, going.  Just sitting and observing feels wonderful and interesting.  I watch the woodpeckers come to the peanut feeder.  I see a tiny white moth struggle through the grass (that needs cutting) for 10 minutes.  The pesky chipmunk comes right up to my feet.  The squirrels, so ever-present in the winter, are no where to be seen.  I think I saw a monarch.  The clouds float by and the wind moves the tree branches around.  A person could spend a lifetime studying the yard and not learn everything there is to know about it.

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