Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Negative Motivation

Oh my bed was so cozy and comfy this morning.  I shut off the alarm and snuggled back under the covers for just a few minutes.  At least I thought it was just for a few minutes.  I heard a sound that made me want to get up and get moving.  The sound was the dreaded snow plow clearing the corner by my bedroom.  Then the plow backed up "Beep Beep Beep" and took another run at the corner.  Ugh!  How did 30 minutes go by so quickly?  Well, negative motivation to get up and get to work is effective if not pleasant.  I swear, someday I am moving south for the winter where there is no beeping of the snow plow, no slip sliding away on the roads, no throwing chicken grit under your tires to make it into the garage, no spending 75 minutes of hard labor after work clearing the driveway and no spending 10 minutes sweeping the precipitation off your vehicle before you can drive away.  Someday I'll be free of the negative motivation to get up in the morning

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