Friday, January 17, 2014

You Can Only Be Young Once But You Can Always Be Immature

At work I try to be professional.  I do my best.  But cut me some slack.  It was Friday afternoon.  And a coworker said it not once, not twice, not three times, but FOUR times, "big jugs."  I held it together the first three times but I had to cover my face after the fourth time.  I snickered silently though!  She was only talking about work materials and she had no clue of the effect she was having on me.  Other people were thinking immature thoughts like me.  So it wasn't just me.  But I'm the one who had to cover her face.  Golly, if I haven't grown up by now, will it ever happen?

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Costa Rica

I took an eco-cruise in Costa Rica. We went to a river outside of Limon City. This is a tiger heron. We were on boats with room for 20 passe...