Saturday, June 4, 2016


This week I have spent time fondly remembering my Grandmothers.  One was born on June 1st and one was born on June 4th.  I miss the one who was born on June 1st and the one born on June 4th.   As a child, I would sit by their side and listen to their stories and enjoy every minute.  At the time I remember thinking, "Other kids might get tired of this sitting and listening but I don't."  Sometimes the stories were ones I had heard before.  It didn't matter. What mattered was the love.  Both of them loved me; talked to me; listened to me; and treasured me.  One taught me how to bake a cake; how to grease and flour the pan; how to mix the batter; and how to check for doneness with the straw off of a broom.  As I write that I realize how unhygienic it is to insert the straw off of a broom into a cake but that is how we did it in those days.  Another taught me how to make a glossy cookie frosting with egg white, vanilla, and powdered sugar. Who uses unpasteurized egg white raw now days? Salmonella much? Okay, so maybe my Grandmas didn't have the latest public health information on hygiene but they knew how to love a granddaughter.  They knew how to make her feel safe, to feel loved, to feel worthwhile.  And by her I mean me. They didn't have much education; in fact neither one graduated from high school.  They didn't dress in the latest fashions. Neither one used any make up or nail polish or wore any jewelry beyond a gold wedding band.  Neither one traveled very far.  Neither drank alcohol. Both were strong and generous.  Both were loyal.  Both were loving and beautiful.  Both were amazing women.  Both were strong role models. Both enjoyed life and treasured relationships.  Both were industrious.  Both had true grit. Both of them meant the world to me. I miss them very much. If only we could go back in time and have another five minutes with the ones we love!  Because I would go back and I would spend another five minutes with both of my Grandmas and it would be the best five minutes ever. 

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Puerto Vallarta

Today I went on a Grayline Tour of Puerto Vallarta where we visited 2 tequila factories and I had a mango margarita for lunch. Ai! Carumba! ...