Saturday, June 10, 2017

Flower Garden

Pretty flowers in the yard. I give them water to prepare them for a hot summer day.

Yellow iris.

Other irises

I have had this plant for at least 10 years.  I can't remember the name of it but they sure are pretty one week a year.

Love the shiny leaves on the asparagus fern.

This chive flower is beautiful and edible!

I bought this one through a school fundraiser.

Iris from my Grandpa!

This is a peony. The accent is on the middle syllable.  It's pee-OH-knee; not PEE-oh-knee.  I am militant about the pronunciation of peony.

I am militant because, on several occasions, while camping or when I trekked too far out into nature, I had the unfortunate experience of getting pee on my knee (the back of my knee). I do not want to think of that when I look at this handsome flower!

Geranium and German ivy.

I would like to transplant this cactus into the yard but how?  Ouch!

So far the pineapple top I planted shows no signs of resuming life again. This situations means I have the potential to let garbage, or maybe compost, sit on display for a month or so. Time will tell!

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