Thursday, June 8, 2017


I have had dealings this spring with a woman named Janine.  Janine is a person I need to complete something very important in my life. I used to deal with someone else on this issue but this year its Janine. Oh, Janine.  You have been less than helpful.  Your instructions send me to websites that don't work.  Your instructions are written so poorly I have to read them six times to understand.  What I could get done last year in a single email takes me 20 emails and hours on the freaking internet.  Janine blows me off when I question her. I amp up on the assertiveness with every email hoping to get through to Janine.  As it turns out, assertiveness and persistence work. Yeah for that fact! As you can expect Janine has been on my mind.  Finally, today I got through to Janine and everything is fine.  I actually spoke to her in person. Turns out Janine sounds pretty nice (if you ignore the fact she blew off six or seven of my emails).  When I think of Janine I think of an old episode of the Cosby show.  I know Bill is on trial for terrible mistakes, and it's Justine not Janine, but the emotion expressed from minute 3 to the end of this video is how I felt.

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