Thursday, December 20, 2018

Cashew Bait

At work the other day we were discussing mice in the house.  I am not the only one to have mice in my house.  I don't like mice in the house.  I hate finding mice droppings in my kitchen and in my laundry room. I loathe taking the mice and the trap out to the trash.  Disposing of the rodents is the worst part of the entire process. This year hasn't been too bad.  I found a most effective bait to put in the traps. Where I work we sell nuts as a fundraiser.  The nuts come from some company in Wilmar, Minnesota and they are deliciously fresh roasted.  I bought six pounds already.  Anyway, when I put a fragment of a delicious cashew in the mouse trap I have success. I caught three mice using cashews.  I told this to my coworkers. Today I was told that one coworker got three mice last night with the cashew bait. Another coworker got four mice with cashews. I am lucky in that I have not found any more mice droppings nor any more mice in the traps.  I hope the mice season is over.  I look forward to the ants in the house season which is sure to come around in only a few months.

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